Friday, September 08, 2006

MobiBLU Q-Bling: Like Lipstick on a Pig

MobiBLU Q-Bling: Like Lipstick on a Pig
What's the point of taking one of the cheapest MP3 players out there (the $90 Mobiblu DAH-1500i), covering it in Swarovski crystals and upping the cost by $60? It's like adding a racing seat and a...

Nancy Drew and the Case of the Name Changing MobiBLU US2
Remember the slim and beautiful MobiBLU US2? Well, it has gotten a bit of a name change with some confusing results. To keep with their naming tradition, the US2 has been given the dull and boring...

MobiBLU Boxon Pictures, Details Unveiled (It's Boxy)
The homeslices over at dapreview found out some more info about this mysterious Boxon portable media player being manufactured by MobiBLU. It's a small device, has a 1.7-inch full color (and pretty...

MobiBlu Boxon
It looks like we are getting a new category of portable music players soon. Photos and some information about a MobiBlu Boxon tiny mp3 player appeared. The Boxon is similar in size and shape to the recently leaked iRiver N20. MobiBlu knows how to ma...

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