Stone Core Films and Director Niven Complete Multi-Spot Wal-Mart Assignment
B-R came to us for an eclectic assortment of different focuses, says Niven . The spots range from comedy dialogue, visual comedy, celebrity talent, to children, and even one with designed graphic, stunts and green screen work.
DT Podcast: Dell-Alienware, PS3 and More!
In this weeks Podcast we talk about the Dell/Alienware aquisition rumor, Microsoft's new Origami project and UMPC announcement and more!
Podcast Ready Ships myPodder Podcast Management Software
Podcast Ready rolls out myPodder, making the one-click subscription podcast management software available on its Web site.
Lenovo Easy Cube M500 MP3 Player
A cube MP3 player that's bigger than your average...
Podcast Ready Ships myPodder Podcast Management Software
Users can install the Java-based myPodder on any MP3 device. The software runs on the media storage device, rather than the computer.
Indulge your PSP with Playgear [2005-05-18]
Logitech seduces Sonys handheld with its new range of cool accessories. [ more ] MobiBlus cute DAH-1700 player [2005-05-18] We know itll play MP4s but other tech-specs are thin on the ground.
Centrix MVP-150 PMP focuses on GPS, plays virtually anything
Although Centrix is officially marketing its MVP-150 personal media player primarily for its navigational (GPS) functionality, its movie-tainment value cannot easily be dismissed.
Samsung YP-F2 Flash-based MP3 Player
Samsung announced the YP-F2 media player at this year's CeBIT trade show, so light at just twenty one grams that you can easily wear it as a necklace with the provided earphones. The YP-F2 plays the...