Monday, June 19, 2006

Tiny MP3 players

Tiny MP3 players - Jun 15, 2006... without a screen. Next comes the MobiBlu DAH-1500i at 1.0 cubic inch, then the Sony NW-E507 at 1.3 cubic inches. The ultrathin iPod ...

Klegg Mini: bigger size, same false advertising
engadget, CA - Jun 13, 2006... haven't heard of the MPIO ONE player that exposed the fallacy of your boasts, you're sure not gonna be able to miss the minuscule, color screen MobiBlu Cube 2 ...

A guitar-shaped music player from Oppo - May 22, 2006... Mobiblu may have given us the cube, but we turn to Oppo Digital for a whole new way to jam away to the latest tunes, thanks to their guitar-shaped X31M digital ...