Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Lenovo Easy Cube M500 MP3 Player

Lenovo Easy Cube M500 MP3 Player
A cube MP3 player that's bigger than your average...

Stone Core Films and Director Niven Complete Multi-Spot Wal-Mart Assignment
B-R came to us for an eclectic assortment of different focuses, says Niven . The spots range from comedy dialogue, visual comedy, celebrity talent, to children, and even one with designed graphic, stunts and green screen work.

Indulge your PSP with Playgear [2005-05-18]
Logitech seduces Sonys handheld with its new range of cool accessories. [ more ] MobiBlus cute DAH-1700 player [2005-05-18] We know itll play MP4s but other tech-specs are thin on the ground.

Free music from Magnatune! Now you never have to buy an album without listening to the whole thing first. [ more ] Power up your PSP with a 2GB memory card [2005-05-18] SanDisk flexes its memory stick muscle with a Pro Duo capable of storing six entire movies.

Sony Walkman shows its true colors
Blog: On July 4th, fireworks provide booming sounds and vivid colors. Sony's new MP3 Walkmans provide the same such "oooohs" and "aaaahs"...

The laptop that really wants to be a handbag [2005-05-19]
Power up your PSP with a 2GB memory card [2005-05-18] SanDisk flexes its memory stick muscle with a Pro Duo capable of storing six entire movies. [ more ]

MobiBLU 2 to the Rescue
A new generation of the MobiBLU Cube will soon be upon us...