DAH-1500 MP3 Player from MobiBlu
Shiny Media, UK - Apr 21, 2006I'm intrigued by the advance info on MobiBlu's DAH-1500 MP3 player that is making the rounds; it's got a teeny tiny foot print - (24mm x 24 mm x 24mm!) and yet ...
2GB mobiBLU DAH-1500i Cube Mp3 Player
MobileWhack.com, Australia - May 2, 2006MobiBLU America has added another feather in their cap by announcing the new 2GB Cube MP3 Player which is also podcast-enabled and will come preloaded with the ...
MobiBLU Cube 2 - successor to "world's smallest" MP3 player
engadget, CA - Apr 19, 2006MobiBLU is apparently getting ready to roll out a successor to the DAH-1500/1500i, the company's diminutive flagship product. The ...
Sony Walkman shows its true colors
CNET News.com, CA - Apr 5, 2006... New MP3 players are putting the Energizer Bunny to shame by lasting longer than ever. The Mobiblu B513 MP3 player lasts for 153 hours. ...
Mobiblu DAH 1500i Crystal MP3 player
Mobile Digest, UK - May 2, 2006... Zakang Kiss. Now there's another, with the Mobiblu DAH 1500i Crystal - and the good news is that this one's available in the UK. Tiny ...