Gifts for the Grad
Lansing State Journal - MobiBlu Cube MP3 Player, currently the world's smallest MP3 player. It's less than a cubic inch in size and sells for less than $100. Video gaming. Of course, many grads want a gift that's just plain fun. Mobile gaming devices are convenient for
MobiBLU DAH-1500i Cube MP3 Player
nForcersHQ - MobiBLU's DAH-1500i Cube is a great take on the flash MP3 player. Its small size [24mm square!] and easy navigation make it a clear choice for people who value portability over capacity and who are interested in impressing their friends. The
New hand-helds: the XM Inno and the Sirius S50
US News and World Report - A more affordable song-pilfering option would be to get any one of the music players that have an FM tuner and recording ability such as MobiBLU's $100 Cube. The main incentive for the satellite radio hand-helds is the same as it's always been: to
Coolest Small Gadgets 2005
Forbes - But the reason the nano didn't make this list is because it is positively elephantine in comparison with the 0.65 ounce MobiBlu "Cube" DAH-1500i 1GB , the world's smallest, full-featured audio player--currently selling at Wal-Mart Stores (nyse:
Mobile Magazine > Multimedia Devices
MobileMag - The US2 (which stands for "UltraSlim-2"; I must have missed the first one) is less than a centimetre thick. If it weren't for the unsightly bulge at the top, this mobiBLU player would be just as skinny as the nano
FOMA SO902iWP takes the plunge
MobileMag - MobiBLU US2 DAP is nano slim, almost RAZR-like - posted on Tuesday June 27, 2006 3:20 PM EST CDMA currently beating GSM in Ultra Low Cost Device competition - posted on Tuesday June 27, 2006 3:19 PM EST Two new Treos coming in October? - posted on Tuesday
So How Does It Sound?
Network Computing - And the mobiBLU B153 has quite a few features that the Nano does not have. Like many digital video recorders, you can actually speed up or slow down the audio, which makes a lot of sense for podcasts. Unfortunately, it has just one notch up for