From Queen Patrol, one of many spots directed by Norry Niven of ...
Broadcast Newsroom (press release), CA - Mar 24, 2006... The graphics-driven and fun Cool Cubed showcases the world s smallest MP3 player, the cube-shaped mobiBLU , that holds up to 500 songs and is only ...
Sony Walkman shows its true colors
CNET, CA - Apr 5, 2006... New MP3 players are putting the Energizer Bunny to shame by lasting longer than ever. The Mobiblu B513 MP3 player lasts for 153 hours. ...
MobiBlu DAH-1900 DAP plays for 153 hours on a single charge - Mar 13, 2006Personally, I don't think the DAH-1900 MP3 player from MobiBlu is much of a looker, but that isn't why you would consider buying it in the first place. ...
DT Podcast: Dell-Alienware, PS3 and More!
Designtechnica, OR - Mar 19, 2006... Plantronics is showing off some sweet looking headsets. Mobiblu drops the DAH-1900 (I accidentally call it the 1500), complete with a 153 hour battery life! ...