Friday, August 11, 2006

Fujitsu goes miniscule with N100, N110 PDAs

Fujitsu goes miniscule with N100, N110 PDAs - Jul 21, 2006Sometimes taking on an impossibly small form factor works in your favour: take the MobiBLU Cube, for example, where the tiny MP3 player put that company on the ...

Iriver T10 1GB MP3 Player Review - 6 hours agoSimply put, this player does not have the elegance of the iPod Nano or great size of the MobiBLU DAH-1500i Cube, but it does what you need it to do without any ...

Boxon MP3 Player Bolts On VoIP
Digital-Lifestyles.Info, UK - Aug 6, 2006A good case in point is the new Boxon VoIP gadget from Korean electronics manufacturers Hyunwon (who are better known as Mobiblu). ...

MobiBLU B153 2GB MP3 player
Outside Online, CA - Jul 18, 2006By Adam Jenne. If you're like me a gadget geek who looks to MP3 players for function first, and form (or fashion) second-then the MobiBLU B153 is calling you. ...

All 3G phones stink!
T3, UK - Jul 28, 2006... However, it IS going to put the wind up Creative, iRiver, Sandisk, MobiBLU and all the other MP3 player manufacturers currently trying to hunt Apple down. ...

iRiver rumor roundup
engadget, CA - Jul 21, 2006... followup to the pendant-style N10 and N11 / N12 models that are already available, and is said to "focus on size, not features," meaning that MobiBlu and Klegg ...

mobiBLU DHH-200 Reviewed, Hungary - Jul 16, 2006Generation MP3 managed to their hands on the hard drive powered mobiBLU DHH-200 digital audio player. This player has been lingering ...