More iPod Killers for Summer 2006MP3 Newswire - MobiBLU US2 Ultraslim Now that MobiBLU is sold in WalMart and Target stores you have to look at them as one of the bigger contenders despite the fact they haven't had much luck grabbing iPod market share either. This
Boxon MP3 Player Bolts On VoIPDigital Lifestyles - video playback, photo viewing, and an English-Korean dictionary. We've no idea if (or when) this thing is going to be arriving in Europe, and we can't say we're particvularly bothered either because, well, it's a rubbish idea, isn't it? Mobiblu
Thank you, Thank you, Thank YouPRWeb - " your service has been outstanding for driving traffic to my website. I really enjoy your "Quick Stats" feature that allows you to check traffic data in real-time. Your customer service and support is excellent!" Thank you PR WEB. You do not need
Transcript: Personal TechWashington Post - Am I missing something that will make me miserable when I plunk down my money and want to use my music by burning to a CD or playing on my MobiBlu? Rob Pegoraro: MusicMatch's selection is terribly weak compared to most other stores (1 million songs
New hand-helds: the XM Inno and the Sirius S50US News and World Report - A more affordable song-pilfering option would be to get any one of the music players that have an FM tuner and recording ability such as MobiBLU's $100 Cube. The main incentive for the satellite radio hand-helds is the same as it's always been: to
The Worst Products of Q2PC Magazine - 6. mobiBLU B153 (2GB) (Flash MP3 Player) Its main selling point is that it's got the "world's longest battery life" (according to the company that's 153 hours!). If only the sound quality was as impressive. 7. Sceptre X37SV-Naga (HDTV) Its great price
Microsoft Allegedly Planning 'Argo' MP3 PlayerWinInfo - Digital Jukebox ("Dell DJ") series from Dell, S1 MP3 Player, generic chinese MP3 players, Rio, Archos, ilo 256MB MP3 Player from Go Video, IOPS, iriver, GigaBeat from Toshiba, m:robe from Olympus, mpio, Yepp from Samsung, Sansa from Sandisk, mobiBLU