Friday, September 08, 2006

Boxon - The VoIP-Ready Digital Audio Player

Boxon - The VoIP-Ready Digital Audio Player
Boxon - The VoIP-Ready Digital Audio Player MobiBlu, through its Korean subsidiary, Hyunwon, unveiled a cool digital audio player (DAP) with built-in...

SlashLinks We missed for 08/24/2006 - SlashGear

SlashLinks We missed for 08/24/2006
SlashGear, AZ - Aug 24, 2006
I like the really cool Mobile House, reviews of toilet seats, MobiBLU Boxon tiny media player, and speaking of digital audio player Apple still have yet to ...

MobiBlu releases DAH-2200 1GB DAP
Filed under: Portable Audio Usually when MobiBlu breaks us off with a new DAP, it s got at least one feature to set it apart from the pack see the...

MobiBLU Q-Bling: Like Lipstick on a Pig
What's the point of taking one of the cheapest MP3 players out there (the $90 Mobiblu DAH-1500i), covering it in Swarovski crystals and upping the...

MobiBlu DHH-200 - Washington Post

MobiBlu DHH-200
Washington Post, United States - Aug 16, 2006
... Plus, the player refused to play back video or photo files in any format other than MobiBlu's proprietary PIX format, and we found the video and audio quality ...

Permanent Link to MobiBlu DHH-200
MobiBlu DHH-200 August 20th, 2006 As we know, technology grows rapidly everyday. Phillips now comes with another elegence design in their products...

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