Saturday, July 08, 2006

iPod Killers for Summer 2006

iPod Killers for Summer 2006
MP3 Newswire - MobiBLU Cube 2 MobiBLU has also announced a cubed mp3 player as a followup to a cube portable it released at the beginning of the year, the MobiBLU DAH-1500i. The MobiBLU Cube 2 (who needs fancy model numbers anymore) is diminuative

So How Does It Sound?
Network Computing - And the mobiBLU B153 has quite a few features that the Nano does not have. Like many digital video recorders, you can actually speed up or slow down the audio, which makes a lot of sense for podcasts. Unfortunately, it has just one notch up for

Podcast Ready Ships myPodder Podcast Management Software
TechWeb - In related news, a Podcast industry source said that MobiBLU will begin shipping MP3 devices with pre-installed myPodder subscription software from Podcast Ready Inc. into the United States later this month. A MobiBLU spokesman declined to confirm

MobiBLU B153 Means 153 Hour Battery MP3 Player
MP3 Newswire - For years iPod owners have complained about the skimpy battery times offered by Apple and grumble as the company repeatedly tell us that it will get better soon.. Meanwhile, Sony is already pumping out 32 hour power capacity so we know we should not

Centrix MVP100
MobileMag - MobiBLU US2 DAP is nano slim, almost RAZR-like - posted on Tuesday June 27, 2006 3:20 PM EST CDMA currently beating GSM in Ultra Low Cost Device competition - posted on Tuesday June 27, 2006 3:19 PM EST Two new Treos coming in October? - posted on Tuesday

Coolest Small Gadgets 2005
Forbes - But the reason the nano didn't make this list is because it is positively elephantine in comparison with the 0.65 ounce MobiBlu "Cube" DAH-1500i 1GB , the world's smallest, full-featured audio player--currently selling at Wal-Mart Stores (nyse:

The Ultimate Tailgate Party
Wired - MobiBlu B153 (2-Gbyte) WIRED: Bright OLED screen. Drag-and-drop file management. Built-in podcast subscription feature. 150-hour battery life. Fantastic sound quality. SRS sound enhancement. FM radio, line-in, and voice recording. Cheap! TIRED: Stiff

MobiBLU Ultra Slim US2 Media Player
Digital Lifestyles - Even though full details are yet to emerge, we're getting very excited by what we've seen of mobiBLU's new ultra, ultra-slim US2 media player. Sporting an unusual - and rather fiddly, to our eyes - necklace design (where the headphones are routed

MobiBlu DAH-2200 DAP fails to impress
MobileMag - The name MobiBlu is now associated with the smallest of form factors, thanks to the popularity of the smallest of the small Cube and Cube 2. While the new DAH-2200 is pretty diminuitive, it's far from being the smallest on the market, and what's more

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