Sunday, May 28, 2006

mobiBLU B153 - Top Notch Music Player

mobiBLU B153 - Top Notch Music Player
I m tired of seeing MP3 players that don t differ much from each other, besides the brand and a minimal difference on one or two specs that only deaf...

MobiBlu B153 audio player reviewed
Filed under: Portable Audio By now, you probably already know the MobiBlu B153's claim to fame: it's...

mobiBLU's B153 153-hour player US-bound
Filed under: Portable Audio Looks like Hyun Won's got plans to bring their mobiBLU DAH-1900 to America as the B153, but the 153-hour player's gonna...

EGC Clambake For March 30, 2006
Here is the Bittorrent link and direct MP3 download for the EGC clambake for March 30, 2006. On this show, I play a song by No Walls; I talk about the...

The New MobiBLU Cube 2
I have been working my MobiBLU Cube since December. It is the perfect mp3 player for that $125 range. 1gig, no stupid ipod restrictions on how you can...

MobiBlu Cube 2: Der Nachfolger des MP3 W rfels
Wenige flashbasierte MP3 Player haben f r soviel Aufsehen gesorgt wie MobiBlus DAH-1500, besser bekannt als der MP3 Cube/W rfel. Nach extra f r den...

MobiBLU Cube 2 - Smoother and More Colorful
MobiBLU went back to the lab to improve upon their last geometric creation, this time it is in color. The size still remains the same 28mm cubed, but...

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