Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Samsung Intros iPod Rival

Samsung Intros iPod Rival
Red Herring - Samsung Electronics supplies flash memory to Apple s iPod nano but now plans on Sunday to introduce a rival to the device, attempting to mount a challenge to Apple s supremacy in the digital music player market that has so far been unchecked

In Pictures: Coolest Gadgets
Forbes - 2005 was the year of the screen. From mega plasma TVs to handheld personal video players, these days images can be beamed, broadcast and digitally downloaded to just about any kind of device. Less than a decade ago there was usually only one type of

Klegg Mini
ABC News - The Klegg Mini ($159.99 direct) is a flash-based MP3 player that, its manufacturer claims, is the world's smallest with a color screen. (Actually, as far as we know, the MPIO One gets that distinction.) It's available in 128MB, 256MB, and 512MB

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