Saturday, March 04, 2006

mobiBLU 1GB Cube MP3 Player w/FM for $117 shipped, 512MB for $90

mobiBLU 1GB Cube MP3 Player w/FM for $117 shipped, 512MB for $90 offers the mobiBLU 1GB Cube MP3 Player, model no. DAH-1500i, in Blue, Black, or Silver, ...
[in dealmac - Today's Edition]

KTF Music Portal Supports Sony PSP - Telecoms Korea (subscription)

KTF Music Portal Supports Sony PSP
Telecoms Korea (subscription), South Korea - Feb 22, 2006
... KTF forged alliance with 6 Korean MP3 player makers (Iriver, Yepp, iAudio, Mpio, MobiBlu and Iops), the largest number among Korean mobile operators to support ...

MobiBlu DAH-1500i: still small, now with 2GB - engadget

MobiBlu DAH-1500i: still small, now with 2GB
engadget, CA - Feb 9, 2006
Remember that "world's smallest" digital audio player: the MobiBlu DAH-1500? Well, it just got a bump to 2GB and still includes ...

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