Saturday, February 18, 2006

PC Magazine - Iomega Mixx

PC Magazine - Iomega Mixx
October 26, 2005 -- Lots of digital storage companies have been jumping into the MP3 player game lately, including big names like SanDisk and Lexar. Now Iomega has joined ...

NewsTrove - MobiBluDAH-1500
7. I bought a gig model off of Ebay. I love this little thing. Its not hard to use really. You get used to pressing the small buttons fairly fast. I actualy cut up the earbuds that came with it so I could just have the necklace thingy that was attached to them. It works great. The sound is awsome. It is so frigin small that I actualy dont even notice that its hanging around my neck most of the time. The only down side that I'v found is. 1. Slow file transfer. But that dosnt matter to me cause I just put a bunch of Dispatch songs onto the thing and dont plan on changing them. and 2. There is a pause time inbetween tracks.

NewsTrove - Yes YMP-901 256 MB
Recently we reviewed the world's smallest digital audio player, the MobiBLU DAH-1500i 1GB, after which we hardly see any other audio players competing with it in terms of appearance or even sound, at least as of now. Hence, we were a little unsure about this Yes YMP-901, but since it's a Japanese product, not the regular Chinese and Korean, we figured it was worth a few more looks. The Yes YMP-901 digital audio player has excellent and sturdy build quality with a smooth glossy steel finish. This player is tiny compared to other MP3 players, but not tiny when you keep it next to the MobiBLU DAH-1500i.

mobiBLU 2GB Cube MP3 Player w/FM preorders for $160 shipped is still taking preorders of the new mobiBLU 2GB Cube MP3 Player, model no. DAH-1500i, i...
[in dealnews - Today's Edition]

NewsTrove - Podcast: All the News You Need!
I give my $.02 on the Treo 650 review , which I did. My response: I'm a jerk. I also give a quick recap of the Sony Ericsson W800i Walkman phone - looks like good stuff. We have a couple threads of interest, mainly the HDCP fiasco . What's the problem? Listen to find out. Audio The open source iTunes competitor, Songbird , takes off, unfortunately lacking wings. The Ipod nano aims low with a 1GB version, as Apple axes the Shuffle. Video iPod mock ups flood the net - hear why they ain't true. Apple gets sued for hearing loss. I said APPLE GETS SUED FOR HEARING LOSS. And defective nanos.

MobiBlu Looks Ahead, Apple Goes Retro - PC Magazine

MobiBlu Looks Ahead, Apple Goes Retro
PC Magazine - Feb 8, 2006
By Michael Kobrin. MobiBlu has decided 1GB is soooo last year, announcing its plans for a 2GB version of its wildly popular DAH-1500i cube-shaped MP3 player. ...

Tekken Comes to Sony PSP (I4U)
According to Japanese magazine Famitsu, Namco is working on Tekken for the Sony PSP. Namco is supposed to reveal details next week. Tekken is one of my most favorite games on the Sony PS2. It will be interesting to see what Namco plans with Tekken o...

Review: MobiBlu DAH-1500i - Playlist

Review: MobiBlu DAH-1500i
Playlist, CA - Feb 9, 2006
... MobiBlu s diminutive MP3 player, the DAH-1500i, packs a few miles of features into a player that measures less than one cubic inch. ...

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