Tuesday, February 21, 2006

NewsTrove - XM snags Oprah Winfrey - Engadget

NewsTrove - XM snags Oprah Winfrey - Engadget
XM snags Oprah Winfrey Posted Feb 9th 2006 9:41AM by Ryan Block Filed under: Home Entertainment Sirius may have secured The King of AllMedia in what was perhaps the biggest media personality buy of our time (as well as the watershed moment forsatellite radio and new digital mediums), but XM isn't without itsown tricks. In addition to Stern's exact diametrical opposite, Dr. Laura, they're adding America's richest and mostbeloved daytime talk show host to their ranks.

MobiBlu Looks Ahead, Apple Goes Retro - PC Magazine

MobiBlu Looks Ahead, Apple Goes Retro
PC Magazine - Feb 8, 2006
By Michael Kobrin. MobiBlu has decided 1GB is soooo last year, announcing its plans for a 2GB version of its wildly popular DAH-1500i cube-shaped MP3 player. ...

NewsTrove - Toshiba Gigabeat Spreviewed
Toshiba Gigabeat S previewed Posted Feb 8th 2006 8:01PM by Thomas Ricker Filed under: Media PCs, Portable Audio, Portable Video Looks like we aren't alone in our jones for the March release of the Toshiba Gigabeat S Series. CNET needs theirfix so bad that they published a preview of the new player sportin' Microsoft's Portable Media Center software. The praise comes in heaps forToshiba's ability to deliver the "brilliantly simple" PMC software in a compact form factor.

MobiBLU Roundup DAH-1900 DAH-1800 DHH-200
MobiBLU Roundup DAH-1900 DAH-1800 DHH-200 These MP3 players have been around for several months now, but they may be coming to the US sometime soon...

Gazette, The (Colorado Springs) - The shrink is in
November 1, 2005 -- Like Alice in Wonderland, consumer products seem to have tumbled down a rabbit hole to a wonderland where small is really, really big. Think about ...

NewsTrove - Yes YMP-901 256 MB
Recently we reviewed the world's smallest digital audio player, the MobiBLU DAH-1500i 1GB, after which we hardly see any other audio players competing with it in terms of appearance or even sound, at least as of now. Hence, we were a little unsure about this Yes YMP-901, but since it's a Japanese product, not the regular Chinese and Korean, we figured it was worth a few more looks. The Yes YMP-901 digital audio player has excellent and sturdy build quality with a smooth glossy steel finish. This player is tiny compared to other MP3 players, but not tiny when you keep it next to the MobiBLU DAH-1500i.

Gateway FPD2185 21 inch LCD Monitor Review (I4U)
The crew at Designtechnica reviewed the Gateway FPD2185 21 inch LCD Monitor. Quote: "The line between the computer monitor and LCD TV has once again been blurred with the introduction of Gateway's latest 21-inch monitor, the FPD2185. While t...

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