Little-wonder MP3 player has FM radio and recorder
Today, you can find MP3 digital music players in just about every size, shape and color - but nothing comes close to the teeny-tiny, feature-rich MobiBLU DAH- 1500i "Cube" MP3 player.
Podcast: All the News You Need!
Weve hit out 20th Podcast! Hooray! This time we add a little coherence to the show with the introduction of - *gasp* - sections!
Palm TREO 650 Review
The people at Designtechnica review the Palm Treo 650 smartphone. Quote: "If you're tired of lugging around your cell phone, PDA, and digital camera every time you leave home, the Treo 650 is worth a gander. While the operating system is a...
Sega iDog Capsule Toy
For those who cannot get enough iDogs, there is an iDog Capsule Toy line. The iDog Capsule toys come in six colors. The tiny iDogs have a little chain to connect them to keys or other things. See all iDog Capsule toys on this Sega page (Japanese). ...
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