Thursday, October 26, 2006

MobiBLU Cube 2

MobiBLU Cube 2, Hungary - Oct 14, 2006A favorite of Wal-Mart shoppers everywhere, MP3 player MobiBLU gets a facelift with its latest iteration, and they're calling it the Cube 2. It's the same size ...

Rock Music Menu: A new way to groove: Mp3 players growing up
The Delaware County Times, PA - Sep 30, 2006... Next up was "the world s smallest Mp3 player," the MobiBlu, where I allowed the seedy sounds of the Rolling Stones "Monkey Man" from "Let it Bleed ...

MobiBLU Cube 2 Now Available - Ditches Walmart?, Hungary - Oct 14, 2006The MobiBLU Cube 2 is officially out in the US. The MP3 playback is improved with WOW HD sound enhancement technology from SRS Labs ...

MobiBLU Cube 2 Available in US
Laptop Logic, CA - Oct 16, 2006The tiny MP3 player features a 65K color OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) screen that is capable of playing WMA movies and range from 1GB to 2GB. ...

Microsoft Zune: Won't Play For Sure
P2P File Sharing, CA - Sep 26, 2006... of other devices are compatible, including those from Archos, Cowon, Creative Labs, Dell, Denon, D-Link, Gateway, ILO, iriver, JVC, mobiBLU, mpio, Netgear, Omni ...

MobiBlu's Cube2 "world smallest multimedia player" reviewed
engadget, CA - Oct 13, 2006... CNET got their hands on the diminutive MobiBlu Cube2 which features 2GB flash, FM radio/scheduling, OGG/MP3/DRM'd WMA and MPG/WMV support, voice recording, and ...

MobiBlu Cube2 (1GB, Silver)
CNET Reviews - Oct 13, 2006The good: The incredibly compact and durable MobiBlu Cube2 takes the cute li'l shape of the original Cube music player and adds in photo and video support ...

Monday, October 23, 2006 Highlights Viaspace, Inc. and Its ... Highlights Viaspace, Inc. and Its ...
Market Wire (press release) - Oct 17, 2006... Inc. of Daegu-city, South Korea. Hyun Won Inc. manufactures and distributes portable multimedia players with the brand mobiBLU. The ...

MobiBlu's Cube2 "world smallest multimedia player" reviewed
engadget, CA - Oct 13, 2006... CNET got their hands on the diminutive MobiBlu Cube2 which features 2GB flash, FM radio/scheduling, OGG/MP3/DRM'd WMA and MPG/WMV support, voice recording, and ...

MobiBlu Cube2 Ships
I4U - Oct 15, 2006The follow-up version of the very popular MobiBlu Cube shaped mp3 player DAH-1500i is hitting stores in the United States. MobiBlu ...

MobiBLU Cube 2 Now Available - Ditches Walmart?, Hungary - Oct 14, 2006The MobiBLU Cube 2 is officially out in the US. The MP3 playback is improved with WOW HD sound enhancement technology from SRS Labs ...

V-Moda M-Class Earphones Review
IGN, CA - Oct 3, 2006... A lot of alternative mp3 player manufacturers like Sony and MobiBlu have decided this trend is too dangerous to fight and have made their pack-in earphones ...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

MobiBLU Cube 2

MobiBLU Cube 2, Hungary - Oct 14, 2006A favorite of Wal-Mart shoppers everywhere, MP3 player MobiBLU gets a facelift with its latest iteration, and they're calling it the Cube 2. It's the same size ...

MobiBlu's Cube2 "world smallest multimedia player" reviewed
engadget, CA - Oct 13, 2006... CNET got their hands on the diminutive MobiBlu Cube2 which features 2GB flash, FM radio/scheduling, OGG/MP3/DRM'd WMA and MPG/WMV support, voice recording, and ... Highlights Viaspace, Inc. and Its ...
Market Wire (press release) - Oct 17, 2006... Inc. of Daegu-city, South Korea. Hyun Won Inc. manufactures and distributes portable multimedia players with the brand mobiBLU. The ...

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Ultimate Tailgate Party

The Ultimate Tailgate Party
Wired - MobiBlu B153 (2-Gbyte) WIRED: Bright OLED screen. Drag-and-drop file management. Built-in podcast subscription feature. 150-hour battery life. Fantastic sound quality. SRS sound enhancement. FM radio, line-in, and voice recording. Cheap! TIRED: Stiff

MobiBLU B153 and VCube Ship With Pre-Installed Podcast Software
Digital Lifestyles - Another major advantage for PodShow is the delivery of their content to consumers. PodShow majors on audio content, which is not too difficult to deliver over the average broadband connection. The story changes when many people are watching on-demand

So you want to watch films on your iPod?
Mail & Guardian Online - The Chinese challenger is the Meizu miniPlayer, which will be in British shops soon. The snappily named mobiBLU US2 has capacities to match the iPod and includes a voice recorder and audio enhancement. - Guardian Unlimited Guardian Newspapers

Kids in tow: make your gear work
CNet - The MobiBlu DAH-1500i comes in several colors and can be worn necklace style with the included lanyard earbuds. It's really tiny yet packed with features such as an FM radio. The interface isn't the easiest in the world, but it wouldn't be tough for a

MobiBLU Cube 2 sees US launch
Softpedia - US welcome the funky second generation MobiBLU DAH-1500i codenamed Cube 2. The Asian makers claim it is the the world's smallest multimedia player and its size stands as proof: 25.4mm x 25.4mm x 25.4mm. Although small and all that, the gadget

Briefly: review, Apple FYQ4 webcast
MacNN - MobiBLU has released the Cube 2 , which it claims is the world's smallest MP3 player featuring a full-color OLED display with support for common image formats such as JPEG and PNG as well as videos transcoded to the MSV format . Hewlett-Packard has

MobiBlu Cube2 (1GB, Pink)
ABC News - No doubt the cult of the Cube will continue with this new model, the world's smallest multimedia player. While it doesn't offer an ideal user experience, it makes up for it in style. The incredibly compact and durable MobiBlu Cube2 takes the cute li

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Latest Podcast Ready-Enabled MP3 Player Released - mobiBLU Cube2 (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance)

Latest Podcast Ready-Enabled MP3 Player Released - mobiBLU Cube2 (Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
HOUSTON and GARDEN GROVE, Calif.----Podcast Ready, the maker of the first truly portable podcast management software and directory, and mobiBLU, the creator of the world's smallest full-featured digital audio player today announced the launch of the latest generation of Podcast Ready-enabled MP3 players.

MobiBlu Cube2 makes it stateside - engadget

MobiBlu Cube2 makes it stateside
engadget, CA - Oct 16, 2006
... design, the original Cube MP3 player has developed something of a following in the US, so it's no surprise that Korean manufacturer MobiBlu has decided to ...

Briefly: review, Apple FYQ4 webcast - MacNN

Briefly: review, Apple FYQ4 webcast
MacNN, CA - Oct 16, 2006
... MobiBLU has released the Cube 2, which it claims is the world's smallest MP3 player featuring a full-color OLED display with support for common image formats ... Spotlights VIASPACE Inc. and Subsidiary Direct Methanol Fuel Corp. (Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
VIASPACE Inc., a company dedicated to commercializing proven technologies from NASA and the US Department of Defense, announced that its subsidiary, Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation, has signed a cartridge design and certified manufacturer agreement with Hyun Won Inc. of Daegu-city, South Korea. Spotlights VIASPACE Inc. and Subsidiary Direct Methanol Fuel Corp. (SYS-CON Media)
VIASPACE Inc. (OTCBB: VSPC), a companydedicated to commercializing proven technologies from NASA and the USDepartment of Defense, announced that its subsidiary, Direct Methanol FuelCell Corporation (DMFCC), has signed a cartridge design and certifiedmanufacturer agreement with Hyun Won Inc. of Daegu-city, South Korea.

Briefly: review, Apple FYQ4 webcast (MacNN)
In brief: MacNN has reviewed the iHiFi ($100, shown at right) from Zoom Technologies, a transmitter that plugs into an iPod or other MP3 player to send music to a receiver across the room wirelessly via Bluetooth technology.... Apple has officially a...

Hyun Won of Korea signs fuel cell deal with DMFCC (Fuel Cell Today)
Korean firm Hyun Won has entered into agreement with Viaspace subsidiary Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation (DMFCC). The cartridge design and certified manufacturer agreement is part of DMFCC's strategy to establish a global network of partners to manufacture and distribute fuel cartridges.

MobiBlu Cube2 MP3 Player Coming to US for $100 - Tech News Pulse

MobiBlu Cube2 MP3 Player Coming to US for $100
Tech News Pulse - Oct 16, 2006
The ultra-compact and distinctive looking mobiBLU Cube2 is coming to the US, available in 1GB and 2GB versions for $100 and $120 respectively. ... Highlights Viaspace, Inc. and Its Subsidiary DMFCC (Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
VIASPACE Inc., a company dedicated to commercializing proven technologies from NASA and the US Department of Defense, announced today that its subsidiary, Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation, has signed a cartridge design and certified manufacturer agreement with Hyun Won Inc. of Daegu-city, South Korea.

Monday, October 16, 2006 Spotlights VIASPACE Inc. and Subsidiary Direct Methanol Fuel Corp. Spotlights VIASPACE Inc. and Subsidiary Direct Methanol Fuel Corp.
VIASPACE Inc. (OTCBB: VSPC), a companydedicated to commercializing proven technologies from NASA and the USDepartment of Defense, announced that its subsidiary, Direct Methanol FuelCell Corporation (DMFCC), has signed a cartridge design and certifiedmanufacturer agreement with Hyun Won Inc. of Daegu-city, South Korea.

List of Potential Apple iPod Killers
Every holiday shopping season since the take-over of the Apple iPod consumers ask themselves if there is a viable alternative to the dominant Apple iPod. MP3 Newswire (via Slashdot) compiled a comprehensive list of 29 MP3 players that could be alternatives to the Apple iPod.

Latest Podcast Ready-Enabled MP3 Player Released - mobiBLU Cube2
HOUSTON and GARDEN GROVE, Calif.----Podcast Ready, the maker of the first truly portable podcast management software and directory, and mobiBLU, the creator of the world's smallest full-featured digital audio player today announced the launch of the latest generation of Podcast Ready-enabled MP3 players.

List of Potential Apple iPod Killers
Every holiday shopping season since the take-over of the Apple iPod consumers ask themselves if there is a viable alternative to the dominant Apple iPod. MP3 Newswire (via Slashdot) compiled a comprehensive list of 29 MP3 players that could be alternativ...

VSPC Continues to Issue Positive News: Subsidiary Signs Manufacturing Agreement! October 12, 2006
Wall Street News Alert's 'stocks to watch' thismorning are: VIASPACE Inc. (OTCBB: VSPC), Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT),Honeywell (NYSE: HON) and Nortel (NYSE: NT).

Hot Stock Watch: Emerging Public Company Continues Establishing a Global Network of Partners! October 12, 2006
Wall Street News Alert's "stocks to watch" this morning are: VIASPACE Inc., Boeing, 3M and Intel Corporation. Spotlights VIASPACE Inc. and Subsidiary Direct Methanol Fuel Corp.
VIASPACE Inc., a company dedicated to commercializing proven technologies from NASA and the US Department of Defense, announced that its subsidiary, Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation, has signed a cartridge design and certified manufacturer agreement with Hyun Won Inc. of Daegu-city, South Korea.

VSPC Continues to Issue Positive News: Subsidiary Signs Manufacturing Agreement! October 12, 2006
Wall Street News Alert's "stocks to watch" this morning are: VIASPACE Inc., Lockheed Martin, Honeywell and Nortel.

Friday, October 13, 2006

VSPC Continues to Issue Positive News: Subsidiary Signs Manufacturing Agreement! October 12, 2006 (Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance)

VSPC Continues to Issue Positive News: Subsidiary Signs Manufacturing Agreement! October 12, 2006 (Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
Wall Street News Alert's "stocks to watch" this morning are: VIASPACE Inc., Lockheed Martin, Honeywell and Nortel.

Hot Stock Watch: Emerging Public Company Continues Establishing a Global Network of Partners! October 12, 2006 (Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
Wall Street News Alert's "stocks to watch" this morning are: VIASPACE Inc., Boeing, 3M and Intel Corporation. Highlights Cartridge Design and Certified Manufacturer Agreement Signed (SYS-CON Media)
VIASPACE Inc. (OTCBB: VSPC), a companydedicated to commercializing proven technologies from NASA and the USDepartment of Defense, announced that its subsidiary, Direct Methanol FuelCell Corporation (DMFCC), has signed a cartridge design and certifiedmanufacturer agreement with Hyun Won Inc. of Daegu-city, South Korea.

VSPC Continues to Issue Positive News: Subsidiary Signs Manufacturing Agreement! October 12, 2006 (SYS-CON Media)
Wall Street News Alert's 'stocks to watch' thismorning are: VIASPACE Inc. (OTCBB: VSPC), Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT),Honeywell (NYSE: HON) and Nortel (NYSE: NT).

Cingular Launches Podcast Service
TechWeb - Companies like Podcast Ready have developed software that lets consumers subscribe to podcasts in one click. MP3 manufacturer mobiBLU began shipping the application in its players in May. All signs point to growth, particularly in the U.S. Research ... Spotlights VIASPACE Subsidiary -- DMFCC Signs Manufacturing Agreement (Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
VIASPACE Inc., a company dedicated to commercializing proven technologies from NASA and the US Department of Defense, announced today that its subsidiary, Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation, has signed a cartridge design and certified manufacturer agreement with Hyun Won Inc. of Daegu-city, South Korea.

The Ultimate Tailgate Party
Wired - MobiBlu B153 (2-Gbyte) WIRED: Bright OLED screen. Drag-and-drop file management. Built-in podcast subscription feature. 150-hour battery life. Fantastic sound quality. SRS sound enhancement. FM radio, line-in, and voice recording. Cheap! TIRED: Stiff ...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

New iPod shuffle is World's Smallest Portable Audio Player

New iPod shuffle is World's Smallest Portable Audio Player
I4U - Sep 13, 2006... So comparing the shuffle to the MobiBlu Cube DAH-1500i is not a valid comparison. The MobiBlu Cube (volume: 13,82cm3) is still the ...

V-Moda M-Class Earphones Review
IGN, CA - Oct 3, 2006... A lot of alternative mp3 player manufacturers like Sony and MobiBlu have decided this trend is too dangerous to fight and have made their pack-in earphones ...

World s Smallest MP3 Player
Smart House, Australia - Sep 11, 2006Anyware Computer Accessories claims it has released the world s smallest digital audio player with a colour screen; the mobiBLU Cube2 MP3 player. ...

Rock Music Menu: A new way to groove: Mp3 players growing up
The Delaware County Times, PA - Sep 30, 2006... Next up was "the world s smallest Mp3 player," the MobiBlu, where I allowed the seedy sounds of the Rolling Stones "Monkey Man" from "Let it Bleed ...

Tiny iRiver S10
I4U - Sep 13, 2006... The MobiBlu DAH-1500 is 212mm3 smaller. Practically they are same size. The iRiver S10 weighs only 17.5g, which is lighter than the MobiBlu. ...

Analysis: iTunes and iPods Go to the Next Level
ABC News - Sep 13, 2006... As far as the new iPod shuffle goes, I think the new smaller form factor is a great idea it's even tinier than the MobiBlu DAH-1500i, though it lacks the ...

Switched On: Brookstone's music box
engadget, CA - Sep 13, 2006... think of Apple -- progenitor of the G4 Cube and the large glass one crowning its Fifth Avenue store -- or perhaps the developers of the MobiBlu player, once ...

Microsoft Zune: Won't Play For Sure
P2P File Sharing, CA - Sep 26, 2006... of other devices are compatible, including those from Archos, Cowon, Creative Labs, Dell, Denon, D-Link, Gateway, ILO, iriver, JVC, mobiBLU, mpio, Netgear, Omni ...

Cingular Launches Podcast Service
InformationWeek, NY - Sep 12, 2006... to podcasts in one click. MP3 manufacturer mobiBLU began shipping the application in its players in May. All signs point to growth ...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Ultimate Tailgate Party

The Ultimate Tailgate Party
Wired - MobiBlu B153 (2-Gbyte) WIRED: Bright OLED screen. Drag-and-drop file management. Built-in podcast subscription feature. 150-hour battery life. Fantastic sound quality. SRS sound enhancement. FM radio, line-in, and voice recording. Cheap! TIRED: Stiff ...

Apple takes a gamble (Guardian Unlimited)
Plans for viewing films on iPods unveiled by Steve Jobs.

Apple gambles on film revolution (Guardian Unlimited)
Movie downloads to be viewed on an iPod, computer screen or TV.

New iPod shuffle is World's Smallest Portable Audio Player (I4U)
Apple introduced the new iPod shuffle with a stylish clip design yesterday. Apple calls the new shuffle the World's smallest digital music player. With 0.5 cubic inch (8.19cm3) (without the clip) I need to agree it is the world's smallest portable a...

Tiny iRiver S10 (I4U)
So the upcoming tiny iRiver pendant player we reported about a couple weeks ago is not called iRiver N20. It is going to be known as iRiver S10, based on news coming out of Korea. The measurements of the stylish little brother of the iRiver Clix are 4...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

mobiBLU Cube2 ~ The world s smallest MP3 player with a

mobiBLU Cube2 ~ The world s smallest MP3 player with a
Australian PC World - Tuesday 12th September 2006 ~ Anyware Computer Accessories is pleased to announce the release of the world s smallest digital audio player with colour display; the mobiBLU Cube2 MP3 player! In addition to listening to music on your

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NewsFactor Network - Consider companies with an affinity for cubes that offer digital audio players and you'll probably think of Apple -- progenitor of the G4 Cube and the large glass one crowning its Fifth Avenue store -- or perhaps the developers of the MobiBlu player

Kids in tow: make your gear work
CNet - The MobiBlu DAH-1500i comes in several colors and can be worn necklace style with the included lanyard earbuds. It's really tiny yet packed with features such as an FM radio. The interface isn't the easiest in the world, but it wouldn't be tough for a

Rock Music Menu: A new way to groove: Mp3 players growing up
1960 Sun - Next up was "the world s smallest Mp3 player," the MobiBlu, where I allowed the seedy sounds of the Rolling Stones "Monkey Man" from "Let it Bleed" corrupt the system. From the high piano beginning to Keith Richards jutting guitar riff, the

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PRWeb - You do not need any permission to link to any of the pages on this site. Limited copyright is granted for you to use and/or republish any of the press releases on this site for any legitimate media purpose as long as you reference PRWeb as the source

Cingular Launches Podcast Service
Information Week - Companies like Podcast Ready have developed software that lets consumers subscribe to podcasts in one click. MP3 manufacturer mobiBLU began shipping the application in its players in May. All signs point to growth, particularly in the U.S. Research