Monday, August 28, 2006

MobiBlu Boxon (I4U)

MobiBlu Boxon (I4U)
It looks like we are getting a new category of portable music players soon. Photos and some information about a MobiBlu Boxon tiny mp3 player appeared. The Boxon is similar in size and shape to the recently leaked iRiver N20. MobiBlu knows how to ma...

MobiBlu BOXON, más detalles e imágenes
Xataka Música Lun 28 Ago 2006 17:52 - Poco a poco se van descubriendo más detalles de...
[in iMente - M sica]

MobiBLU Boxon Pictures, Details Unveiled (It's Boxy) (Gizmodo)
The homeslices over at dapreview found out some more info about this mysterious Boxon portable media player being manufactured by MobiBLU. It's a small device, has a 1.7-inch full color (and pretty...

Sunday, August 27, 2006

All 3G phones stink!

All 3G phones stink!
T3, UK - Jul 28, 2006... However, it IS going to put the wind up Creative, iRiver, Sandisk, MobiBLU and all the other MP3 player manufacturers currently trying to hunt Apple down. ...

SlashLinks We missed for 08/24/2006
SlashGear, AZ - Aug 24, 2006I like the really cool Mobile House, reviews of toilet seats, MobiBLU Boxon tiny media player, and speaking of digital audio player Apple still have yet to ...

MobiBlu Boxon
I4U - Aug 25, 2006Photos and some information about a MobiBlu Boxon tiny mp3 player appeared. ... MobiBlu knows how to make small portable audio players. ...

Iriver T10 1GB MP3 Player Review - Aug 11, 2006Simply put, this player does not have the elegance of the iPod Nano or great size of the MobiBLU DAH-1500i Cube, but it does what you need it to do without any ...

Boxon MP3 Player Bolts On VoIP
Digital-Lifestyles.Info, UK - Aug 6, 2006A good case in point is the new Boxon VoIP gadget from Korean electronics manufacturers Hyunwon (who are better known as Mobiblu). ...

MobiBlu DHH-200
Washington Post, United States - Aug 16, 2006... Plus, the player refused to play back video or photo files in any format other than MobiBlu's proprietary PIX format, and we found the video and audio quality ...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

MobiBlu s Korean Boxon Player Category: SOFTPEDIA NEWS :: Hardware

MobiBlu s Korean Boxon Player Category: SOFTPEDIA NEWS :: Hardware
Softpedia - If you remember, there was an article written about MobiBlu s latest rather unusual player, the Boxon, that has been said to feature amazing functions such as an e-books reader, video playback, image display, and an English-Korean dictionary, as

Microsoft Allegedly Planning 'Argo' MP3 Player
WinInfo - Digital Jukebox ("Dell DJ") series from Dell, S1 MP3 Player, generic chinese MP3 players, Rio, Archos, ilo 256MB MP3 Player from Go Video, IOPS, iriver, GigaBeat from Toshiba, m:robe from Olympus, mpio, Yepp from Samsung, Sansa from Sandisk, mobiBLU

MobiBLU Ultra-Slim US2
MP3 Newswire - Now that MobiBLU is sold in WalMart and Target stores you have to look at them as one of the bigger contenders despite the fact they haven't had much luck grabbing iPod market share either. This little unit shows that the maker is going to give it a

MobiBLU B153 Means 153 Hour Battery MP3 Player
MP3 Newswire - For years iPod owners have complained about the skimpy battery times offered by Apple and grumble as the company repeatedly tell us that it will get better soon.. Meanwhile, Sony is already pumping out 32 hour power capacity so we know we should not

New hand-helds: the XM Inno and the Sirius S50
US News and World Report - A more affordable song-pilfering option would be to get any one of the music players that have an FM tuner and recording ability such as MobiBLU's $100 Cube. The main incentive for the satellite radio hand-helds is the same as it's always been: to

More iPod Killers for Summer 2006
MP3 Newswire - MobiBLU US2 Ultraslim Now that MobiBLU is sold in WalMart and Target stores you have to look at them as one of the bigger contenders despite the fact they haven't had much luck grabbing iPod market share either. This

Podcast Ready Ships myPodder Podcast Management Software
TechWeb - In related news, a Podcast industry source said that MobiBLU will begin shipping MP3 devices with pre-installed myPodder subscription software from Podcast Ready Inc. into the United States later this month. A MobiBLU spokesman declined to confirm

Kids in tow: make your gear work
CNet - The MobiBlu DAH-1500i comes in several colors and can be worn necklace style with the included lanyard earbuds. It's really tiny yet packed with features such as an FM radio. The interface isn't the easiest in the world, but it wouldn't be tough for a

Friday, August 25, 2006

SlashLinks We missed for 08/24/2006

SlashLinks We missed for 08/24/2006
SlashGear, AZ - Aug 24, 2006I like the really cool Mobile House, reviews of toilet seats, MobiBLU Boxon tiny media player, and speaking of digital audio player Apple still have yet to ...

MobiBlu DHH-200
Washington Post, United States - Aug 16, 2006... Plus, the player refused to play back video or photo files in any format other than MobiBlu's proprietary PIX format, and we found the video and audio quality ...

MobiBlu Boxon
I4U - 21 hours agoPhotos and some information about a MobiBlu Boxon tiny mp3 player appeared. ... MobiBlu knows how to make small portable audio players. ...

Iriver T10 1GB MP3 Player Review - Aug 11, 2006Simply put, this player does not have the elegance of the iPod Nano or great size of the MobiBLU DAH-1500i Cube, but it does what you need it to do without any ...

Boxon MP3 Player Bolts On VoIP
Digital-Lifestyles.Info, UK - Aug 6, 2006A good case in point is the new Boxon VoIP gadget from Korean electronics manufacturers Hyunwon (who are better known as Mobiblu). ...

All 3G phones stink!
T3, UK - Jul 28, 2006... However, it IS going to put the wind up Creative, iRiver, Sandisk, MobiBLU and all the other MP3 player manufacturers currently trying to hunt Apple down. ...

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Iriver T10 1GB MP3 Player Review

Iriver T10 1GB MP3 Player Review - Aug 11, 2006Simply put, this player does not have the elegance of the iPod Nano or great size of the MobiBLU DAH-1500i Cube, but it does what you need it to do without any ...

SlashLinks We missed for 08/24/2006
SlashGear, AZ - 1 hour agoI like the really cool Mobile House, reviews of toilet seats, MobiBLU Boxon tiny media player, and speaking of digital audio player Apple still have yet to ...

MobiBlu DHH-200
Washington Post, United States - Aug 16, 2006... Plus, the player refused to play back video or photo files in any format other than MobiBlu's proprietary PIX format, and we found the video and audio quality ...

Boxon MP3 Player Bolts On VoIP
Digital-Lifestyles.Info, UK - Aug 6, 2006A good case in point is the new Boxon VoIP gadget from Korean electronics manufacturers Hyunwon (who are better known as Mobiblu). ...

All 3G phones stink!
T3, UK - Jul 28, 2006... However, it IS going to put the wind up Creative, iRiver, Sandisk, MobiBLU and all the other MP3 player manufacturers currently trying to hunt Apple down. ...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Personal Tech

Personal Tech
The Washington Post's Rob Pegoraro was online to answer your personal tech questions and discuss recent reviews, including Windows Vista and the Helio cell phone service.

MobiBLU Q-Bling: Like Lipstick on a Pig
What's the point of taking one of the cheapest MP3 players out there (the $90 Mobiblu DAH-1500i), covering it in Swarovski crystals and upping the cost by $60? It's like adding a racing seat and a...

All 3G phones stink!
Techno Fear, by Fitz

More iPod Killers for Summer 2006

More iPod Killers for Summer 2006
MP3 Newswire - MobiBLU US2 Ultraslim Now that MobiBLU is sold in WalMart and Target stores you have to look at them as one of the bigger contenders despite the fact they haven't had much luck grabbing iPod market share either. This

Boxon MP3 Player Bolts On VoIP
Digital Lifestyles - video playback, photo viewing, and an English-Korean dictionary. We've no idea if (or when) this thing is going to be arriving in Europe, and we can't say we're particvularly bothered either because, well, it's a rubbish idea, isn't it? Mobiblu

Thank you, Thank you, Thank You
PRWeb - " your service has been outstanding for driving traffic to my website. I really enjoy your "Quick Stats" feature that allows you to check traffic data in real-time. Your customer service and support is excellent!" Thank you PR WEB. You do not need

Transcript: Personal Tech
Washington Post - Am I missing something that will make me miserable when I plunk down my money and want to use my music by burning to a CD or playing on my MobiBlu? Rob Pegoraro: MusicMatch's selection is terribly weak compared to most other stores (1 million songs

New hand-helds: the XM Inno and the Sirius S50
US News and World Report - A more affordable song-pilfering option would be to get any one of the music players that have an FM tuner and recording ability such as MobiBLU's $100 Cube. The main incentive for the satellite radio hand-helds is the same as it's always been: to

The Worst Products of Q2
PC Magazine - 6. mobiBLU B153 (2GB) (Flash MP3 Player) Its main selling point is that it's got the "world's longest battery life" (according to the company that's 153 hours!). If only the sound quality was as impressive. 7. Sceptre X37SV-Naga (HDTV) Its great price

Microsoft Allegedly Planning 'Argo' MP3 Player
WinInfo - Digital Jukebox ("Dell DJ") series from Dell, S1 MP3 Player, generic chinese MP3 players, Rio, Archos, ilo 256MB MP3 Player from Go Video, IOPS, iriver, GigaBeat from Toshiba, m:robe from Olympus, mpio, Yepp from Samsung, Sansa from Sandisk, mobiBLU

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Podcast Ready Ships myPodder Podcast Management Software

Podcast Ready Ships myPodder Podcast Management Software
TechWeb - In related news, a Podcast industry source said that MobiBLU will begin shipping MP3 devices with pre-installed myPodder subscription software from Podcast Ready Inc. into the United States later this month. A MobiBLU spokesman declined to confirm

The Worst Products of Q2
PC Magazine - 6. mobiBLU B153 (2GB) (Flash MP3 Player) Its main selling point is that it's got the "world's longest battery life" (according to the company that's 153 hours!). If only the sound quality was as impressive. 7. Sceptre X37SV-Naga (HDTV) Its great price

Transcript: Personal Tech
Washington Post - Am I missing something that will make me miserable when I plunk down my money and want to use my music by burning to a CD or playing on my MobiBlu? Rob Pegoraro: MusicMatch's selection is terribly weak compared to most other stores (1 million songs

Microsoft Allegedly Planning 'Argo' MP3 Player
WinInfo - Digital Jukebox ("Dell DJ") series from Dell, S1 MP3 Player, generic chinese MP3 players, Rio, Archos, ilo 256MB MP3 Player from Go Video, IOPS, iriver, GigaBeat from Toshiba, m:robe from Olympus, mpio, Yepp from Samsung, Sansa from Sandisk, mobiBLU

MobiBlu DAH-2200 DAP fails to impress
MobileMag - The name MobiBlu is now associated with the smallest of form factors, thanks to the popularity of the smallest of the small Cube and Cube 2. While the new DAH-2200 is pretty diminuitive, it's far from being the smallest on the market, and what's more

More iPod Killers for Summer 2006
MP3 Newswire - MobiBLU US2 Ultraslim Now that MobiBLU is sold in WalMart and Target stores you have to look at them as one of the bigger contenders despite the fact they haven't had much luck grabbing iPod market share either. This

New hand-helds: the XM Inno and the Sirius S50
US News and World Report - A more affordable song-pilfering option would be to get any one of the music players that have an FM tuner and recording ability such as MobiBLU's $100 Cube. The main incentive for the satellite radio hand-helds is the same as it's always been: to

Saturday, August 19, 2006

New hand-helds: the XM Inno and the Sirius S50

New hand-helds: the XM Inno and the Sirius S50
US News and World Report - A more affordable song-pilfering option would be to get any one of the music players that have an FM tuner and recording ability such as MobiBLU's $100 Cube. The main incentive for the satellite radio hand-helds is the same as it's always been: to ...

Transcript: Personal Tech
Washington Post - Am I missing something that will make me miserable when I plunk down my money and want to use my music by burning to a CD or playing on my MobiBlu? Rob Pegoraro: MusicMatch's selection is terribly weak compared to most other stores (1 million songs ...

Podcast Ready Ships myPodder Podcast Management Software
TechWeb - In related news, a Podcast industry source said that MobiBLU will begin shipping MP3 devices with pre-installed myPodder subscription software from Podcast Ready Inc. into the United States later this month. A MobiBLU spokesman declined to confirm ...

The Ultimate Tailgate Party
Wired - MobiBlu B153 (2-Gbyte) WIRED: Bright OLED screen. Drag-and-drop file management. Built-in podcast subscription feature. 150-hour battery life. Fantastic sound quality. SRS sound enhancement. FM radio, line-in, and voice recording. Cheap! TIRED: Stiff ...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank You
PRWeb - "...your service has been outstanding for driving traffic to my website. I really enjoy your "Quick Stats" feature that allows you to check traffic data in real-time. Your customer service and support is excellent!" Thank you PR WEB. You do not need ...

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Ultimate Tailgate Party

The Ultimate Tailgate Party
Wired - MobiBlu B153 (2-Gbyte) WIRED: Bright OLED screen. Drag-and-drop file management. Built-in podcast subscription feature. 150-hour battery life. Fantastic sound quality. SRS sound enhancement. FM radio, line-in, and voice recording. Cheap! TIRED: Stiff

More iPod Killers for Summer 2006
MP3 Newswire - MobiBLU US2 Ultraslim Now that MobiBLU is sold in WalMart and Target stores you have to look at them as one of the bigger contenders despite the fact they haven't had much luck grabbing iPod market share either. This

Boxon MP3 Player Bolts On VoIP
Digital Lifestyles - video playback, photo viewing, and an English-Korean dictionary. We've no idea if (or when) this thing is going to be arriving in Europe, and we can't say we're particvularly bothered either because, well, it's a rubbish idea, isn't it? Mobiblu

Podcast Ready Ships myPodder Podcast Management Software
TechWeb - In related news, a Podcast industry source said that MobiBLU will begin shipping MP3 devices with pre-installed myPodder subscription software from Podcast Ready Inc. into the United States later this month. A MobiBLU spokesman declined to confirm

Creative ad novice - Mr Gagliardi submitted design ideas which included ads for the Mitsubishi Pajero, the MP3 player MobiBlu and for a campaign to highlight child abuse. The win "reflects the calibre of talent here in Adelaide", said Greg Knagge, creative director at

MobiBLU B153 and VCube Ship With Pre-Installed Podcast Software
Digital Lifestyles - We're getting very excited by what we've seen of mobiBLU's new ultra, ultra-slim US2 media player. Sporting an unusual - and rather fiddly, to our eyes - necklace design (where the headphones are routed through the neck cord), the US2 packs a ton of

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Microsoft Allegedly Planning 'Argo' MP3 Player

Microsoft Allegedly Planning 'Argo' MP3 Player
WinInfo - Digital Jukebox ("Dell DJ") series from Dell, S1 MP3 Player, generic chinese MP3 players, Rio, Archos, ilo 256MB MP3 Player from Go Video, IOPS, iriver, GigaBeat from Toshiba, m:robe from Olympus, mpio, Yepp from Samsung, Sansa from Sandisk, mobiBLU

New hand-helds: the XM Inno and the Sirius S50
US News and World Report - A more affordable song-pilfering option would be to get any one of the music players that have an FM tuner and recording ability such as MobiBLU's $100 Cube. The main incentive for the satellite radio hand-helds is the same as it's always been: to

The Ultimate Tailgate Party
Wired - MobiBlu B153 (2-Gbyte) WIRED: Bright OLED screen. Drag-and-drop file management. Built-in podcast subscription feature. 150-hour battery life. Fantastic sound quality. SRS sound enhancement. FM radio, line-in, and voice recording. Cheap! TIRED: Stiff

Top 10 MP3 players under $100
CNET News - The good: The cute and stylish MobiBlu DAH-1500i features a user-friendly, ultra-tiny design; a bright OLED screen; and useful extras such as FM tuning and recording, voice recording, and SRS Wow sound effects. This MP3 player also works as a

MobiBlu DAH-2200 DAP fails to impress
MobileMag - The name MobiBlu is now associated with the smallest of form factors, thanks to the popularity of the smallest of the small Cube and Cube 2. While the new DAH-2200 is pretty diminuitive, it's far from being the smallest on the market, and what's more

MobiBLU B153 and VCube Ship With Pre-Installed Podcast Software
Digital Lifestyles - We're getting very excited by what we've seen of mobiBLU's new ultra, ultra-slim US2 media player. Sporting an unusual - and rather fiddly, to our eyes - necklace design (where the headphones are routed through the neck cord), the US2 packs a ton of

Fujitsu goes miniscule with N100, N110 PDAs
MobileMag - Sometimes taking on an impossibly small form factor works in your favour: take the MobiBLU Cube, for example, where the tiny MP3 player put that company on the map. But sometimes going too small can hurt the product's functionality and usability, and

More iPod Killers for Summer 2006
MP3 Newswire - MobiBLU US2 Ultraslim Now that MobiBLU is sold in WalMart and Target stores you have to look at them as one of the bigger contenders despite the fact they haven't had much luck grabbing iPod market share either. This

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Iriver T10 1GB MP3 Player Review

Iriver T10 1GB MP3 Player Review
nForcersHQ - Simply put, this player does not have the elegance of the iPod Nano or great size of the MobiBLU DAH-1500i Cube, but it does what you need it to do without any problems. A higher capacity would be great, but for what it is, the T10 is a good pick. XYZ

MobiBLU B153 and VCube Ship With Pre-Installed Podcast Software
Digital Lifestyles - We're getting very excited by what we've seen of mobiBLU's new ultra, ultra-slim US2 media player. Sporting an unusual - and rather fiddly, to our eyes - necklace design (where the headphones are routed through the neck cord), the US2 packs a ton of

Top 10 MP3 players under $100
CNET News - The good: The cute and stylish MobiBlu DAH-1500i features a user-friendly, ultra-tiny design; a bright OLED screen; and useful extras such as FM tuning and recording, voice recording, and SRS Wow sound effects. This MP3 player also works as a

Fujitsu goes miniscule with N100, N110 PDAs
MobileMag - Sometimes taking on an impossibly small form factor works in your favour: take the MobiBLU Cube, for example, where the tiny MP3 player put that company on the map. But sometimes going too small can hurt the product's functionality and usability, and

The Ultimate Tailgate Party
Wired - MobiBlu B153 (2-Gbyte) WIRED: Bright OLED screen. Drag-and-drop file management. Built-in podcast subscription feature. 150-hour battery life. Fantastic sound quality. SRS sound enhancement. FM radio, line-in, and voice recording. Cheap! TIRED: Stiff

Boxon MP3 Player Bolts On VoIP
Digital Lifestyles - video playback, photo viewing, and an English-Korean dictionary. We've no idea if (or when) this thing is going to be arriving in Europe, and we can't say we're particvularly bothered either because, well, it's a rubbish idea, isn't it? Mobiblu

The Worst Products of Q2
PC Magazine - 6. mobiBLU B153 (2GB) (Flash MP3 Player) Its main selling point is that it's got the "world's longest battery life" (according to the company that's 153 hours!). If only the sound quality was as impressive. 7. Sceptre X37SV-Naga (HDTV) Its great price

Friday, August 11, 2006

Fujitsu goes miniscule with N100, N110 PDAs

Fujitsu goes miniscule with N100, N110 PDAs - Jul 21, 2006Sometimes taking on an impossibly small form factor works in your favour: take the MobiBLU Cube, for example, where the tiny MP3 player put that company on the ...

Iriver T10 1GB MP3 Player Review - 6 hours agoSimply put, this player does not have the elegance of the iPod Nano or great size of the MobiBLU DAH-1500i Cube, but it does what you need it to do without any ...

Boxon MP3 Player Bolts On VoIP
Digital-Lifestyles.Info, UK - Aug 6, 2006A good case in point is the new Boxon VoIP gadget from Korean electronics manufacturers Hyunwon (who are better known as Mobiblu). ...

MobiBLU B153 2GB MP3 player
Outside Online, CA - Jul 18, 2006By Adam Jenne. If you're like me a gadget geek who looks to MP3 players for function first, and form (or fashion) second-then the MobiBLU B153 is calling you. ...

All 3G phones stink!
T3, UK - Jul 28, 2006... However, it IS going to put the wind up Creative, iRiver, Sandisk, MobiBLU and all the other MP3 player manufacturers currently trying to hunt Apple down. ...

iRiver rumor roundup
engadget, CA - Jul 21, 2006... followup to the pendant-style N10 and N11 / N12 models that are already available, and is said to "focus on size, not features," meaning that MobiBlu and Klegg ...

mobiBLU DHH-200 Reviewed, Hungary - Jul 16, 2006Generation MP3 managed to their hands on the hard drive powered mobiBLU DHH-200 digital audio player. This player has been lingering ...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Fujitsu goes miniscule with N100, N110 PDAs

Fujitsu goes miniscule with N100, N110 PDAs - Jul 21, 2006Sometimes taking on an impossibly small form factor works in your favour: take the MobiBLU Cube, for example, where the tiny MP3 player put that company on the ...

MobiBLU DAH-1900 MP3 player
T3, UK - Jul 10, 2006... MobiBLU reckons you can get 150 hours of playback from the rather bulky rechargeable cell that sits at the bottom of the screen. ...

MobiBLU B153 2GB MP3 player
Outside Online, CA - Jul 18, 2006By Adam Jenne. If you're like me a gadget geek who looks to MP3 players for function first, and form (or fashion) second-then the MobiBLU B153 is calling you. ...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

New hand-helds: the XM Inno and the Sirius S50

New hand-helds: the XM Inno and the Sirius S50
US News and World Report - A more affordable song-pilfering option would be to get any one of the music players that have an FM tuner and recording ability such as MobiBLU's $100 Cube. The main incentive for the satellite radio hand-helds is the same as it's always been: to

Five ways to kiss your iPod goodbye
CNN Money - Sony Ericsson's V630i music phone can play MP3s and also does Internet radio over its cell-phone data connection. And the MobiBlu US2 is even thinner than a Nano. The downside to all of these iPod alternatives? None of them work with the iTunes Music

Boxon MP3 Player Bolts On VoIP
Digital Lifestyles - video playback, photo viewing, and an English-Korean dictionary. We've no idea if (or when) this thing is going to be arriving in Europe, and we can't say we're particvularly bothered either because, well, it's a rubbish idea, isn't it? Mobiblu

MobiBLU B153 and VCube Ship With Pre-Installed Podcast Software
Digital Lifestyles - We're getting very excited by what we've seen of mobiBLU's new ultra, ultra-slim US2 media player. Sporting an unusual - and rather fiddly, to our eyes - necklace design (where the headphones are routed through the neck cord), the US2 packs a ton of

Podcast Ready Ships myPodder Podcast Management Software
TechWeb - In related news, a Podcast industry source said that MobiBLU will begin shipping MP3 devices with pre-installed myPodder subscription software from Podcast Ready Inc. into the United States later this month. A MobiBLU spokesman declined to confirm

RSS News Feeds
Washington Post - Am I missing something that will make me miserable when I plunk down my money and want to use my music by burning to a CD or playing on my MobiBlu? Rob Pegoraro: MusicMatch's selection is terribly weak compared to most other stores (1 million songs

The Worst Products of Q2
ABC News - 6. mobiBLU B153 (2GB) (Flash MP3 Player) Its main selling point is that it's got the "world's longest battery life" (according to the company that's 153 hours!). If only the sound quality was as impressive. 7. Sceptre X37SV-Naga (HDTV) Its great price

Microsoft Allegedly Planning 'Argo' MP3 Player
WinInfo - Digital Jukebox ("Dell DJ") series from Dell, S1 MP3 Player, generic chinese MP3 players, Rio, Archos, ilo 256MB MP3 Player from Go Video, IOPS, iriver, GigaBeat from Toshiba, m:robe from Olympus, mpio, Yepp from Samsung, Sansa from Sandisk, mobiBLU

iPod Killers for Summer 2006
MP3 Newswire - MobiBLU Cube 2 MobiBLU has also announced a cubed mp3 player as a followup to a cube portable it released at the beginning of the year, the MobiBLU DAH-1500i. The MobiBLU Cube 2 (who needs fancy model numbers anymore) is diminuative

iRiver N20 Will Be The Smallest Screened MP3 Player (Gizmodo)

iRiver N20 Will Be The Smallest Screened MP3 Player (Gizmodo)
iRiver's Reigncom dropped the small bomb about the upcoming iRiver N20 audio player. According to them, it's going to be the smallest MP3 player with a screen in the world. There's going to be...

MobiBLU DAH-1900 MP3 player (T3)
A fiddly but functional MP3 player that outlasts its rivals.

Personal Tech (Washington Post)
The Washington Post's Rob Pegoraro was online to answer your personal tech questions and discuss recent reviews, including Windows Vista and the Helio cell phone service.

Fujitsu goes miniscule with N100, N110 PDAs (MobileMag)
Sometimes taking on an impossibly small form factor works in your favour: take the MobiBLU Cube, for example, where the tiny MP3 player put that company on the map.

iRiver rumor roundup (Addict 3D)
Straight from the rumor mill to your brain: Korean forums are buzzing about a pair of upcoming devices from iRiver, one of which is being touted as the world's smallest DAP with a screen, while the other sounds like a W10-esque palmtop that will supposedly be running some flavor of Windows.

PC Magazine - Iomega Mixx
October 26, 2005 -- Lots of digital storage companies have been jumping into the MP3 player game lately, including big names like SanDisk and Lexar. Now Iomega has joined ...

PC Magazine - Flash Rules!
September 27, 2005 -- We used to think of flash-based MP3 players as stocking stuffers for people who couldn't afford "real" hard drive-based devices or for joggers.

PC Magazine - MobiBLU DAH-1500i
August 18, 2005 -- What's just slightly bigger than a caramel, lets you rock out to radio hits or 1GB of your favorite music, can make its own recordings, and is available ...

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Five ways to kiss your iPod goodbye

Five ways to kiss your iPod goodbye
CNN Money - Sony Ericsson's V630i music phone can play MP3s and also does Internet radio over its cell-phone data connection. And the MobiBlu US2 is even thinner than a Nano. The downside to all of these iPod alternatives? None of them work with the iTunes Music

The Ultimate Tailgate Party
Wired - MobiBlu B153 (2-Gbyte) WIRED: Bright OLED screen. Drag-and-drop file management. Built-in podcast subscription feature. 150-hour battery life. Fantastic sound quality. SRS sound enhancement. FM radio, line-in, and voice recording. Cheap! TIRED: Stiff

The Worst Products of Q2
PC Magazine - 6. mobiBLU B153 (2GB) (Flash MP3 Player) Its main selling point is that it's got the "world's longest battery life" (according to the company that's 153 hours!). If only the sound quality was as impressive. 7. Sceptre X37SV-Naga (HDTV) Its great price

RSS News Feeds
Washington Post - Am I missing something that will make me miserable when I plunk down my money and want to use my music by burning to a CD or playing on my MobiBlu? Rob Pegoraro: MusicMatch's selection is terribly weak compared to most other stores (1 million songs

Fujitsu goes miniscule with N100, N110 PDAs
MobileMag - Sometimes taking on an impossibly small form factor works in your favour: take the MobiBLU Cube, for example, where the tiny MP3 player put that company on the map. But sometimes going too small can hurt the product's functionality and usability, and

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Fujitsu goes miniscule with N100, N110 PDAs

Fujitsu goes miniscule with N100, N110 PDAs
Sometimes taking on an impossibly small form factor works in your favour: take the MobiBLU Cube, for example, where the tiny MP3 player put that company on the map.

MobiBlu DAH-2200 DAP fails to impress
The name MobiBlu is now associated with the smallest of form factors, thanks to the popularity of the smallest of the small Cube and Cube 2. While the new DAH-2200 is pretty diminuitive, it's far from being the smallest on the market, and what's more, it fails to impress when it comes to features.

iRiver N20 Will Be The Smallest Screened MP3 Player
iRiver's Reigncom dropped the small bomb about the upcoming iRiver N20 audio player. According to them, it's going to be the smallest MP3 player with a screenin the world. There's going to be...

MobiBLU DAH-1900 MP3 player
A fiddly but functional MP3 player that outlasts its rivals.

MobiBlu DAH-2200 MP3 Player
This MobiBlu DAH-2200 isn't as interesting as the DAH-1900, which has 153 hours of battery life, but it's a decent looking player nonetheless. There's 1GB of onboard flash, MP3/WMA/WAV support, 13...

All 3G phones stink!
Techno Fear, by Fitz

mobiBLU DHH-200 Reviewed
Generation MP3 managed to their hands on the hard drive powered mobiBLU DHH-200 digital audio player. This player has been lingering around for quite some time now with little to no feedback about...