Saturday, February 18, 2006

mobiBLU MP3 Player Ups Its Capacity To 2GB (AnandTech)

mobiBLU MP3 Player Ups Its Capacity To 2GB (AnandTech)
The world's smallest MP3 player gets a boost in storage capacity...

NewsTrove - XM snags Oprah Winfrey - Engadget
XM snags Oprah Winfrey Posted Feb 9th 2006 9:41AM by Ryan Block Filed under: Home Entertainment Sirius may have secured The King of AllMedia in what was perhaps the biggest media personality buy of our time (as well as the watershed moment forsatellite radio and new digital mediums), but XM isn't without itsown tricks. In addition to Stern's exact diametrical opposite, Dr. Laura, they're adding America's richest and mostbeloved daytime talk show host to their ranks.

mobiBLU 1GB Cube MP3 Player w/FM for $117, 512MB for $90 again offers the mobiBLU 1GB Cube MP3 Player, model no. DAH-1500i, in Blue, Black, or Si...
[in dealmac - Today's Edition]

NewsTrove - MobiBluDAH-1500
7. I bought a gig model off of Ebay. I love this little thing. Its not hard to use really. You get used to pressing the small buttons fairly fast. I actualy cut up the earbuds that came with it so I could just have the necklace thingy that was attached to them. It works great. The sound is awsome. It is so frigin small that I actualy dont even notice that its hanging around my neck most of the time. The only down side that I'v found is. 1. Slow file transfer. But that dosnt matter to me cause I just put a bunch of Dispatch songs onto the thing and dont plan on changing them. and 2. There is a pause time inbetween tracks.

Tekken Comes to Sony PSP (I4U)
According to Japanese magazine Famitsu, Namco is working on Tekken for the Sony PSP. Namco is supposed to reveal details next week. Tekken is one of my most favorite games on the Sony PS2. It will be interesting to see what Namco plans with Tekken o...

NewsTrove - The MacMini Portable - Engadget
The MacMini Portable Posted Feb 9th 2006 11:42AM by Evan Blass Filed under: Desktops Some ideas are sobrilliantly simple, we're surprised no one has thought of them before. Such is the case with Peter Green's MacMiniPortable Project, in which the titular Mr. Green adds an 8-inch folding LCD, Li-on battery, thumboard, and trackpad toa stock Mini for mobile OS X action that costs less than an iBook.Green scored most of the gear on eBay, and ended up spending under $700 for his one-of-a-kind creation, although thatfigure doesn't factor in the opportunity cost of the many hours spent on this build.

Review: MobiBlu DAH-1500i - Playlist

Review: MobiBlu DAH-1500i
Playlist, CA - Feb 9, 2006
... MobiBlu s diminutive MP3 player, the DAH-1500i, packs a few miles of features into a player that measures less than one cubic inch. ...

mobiBLU 2GB Cube MP3 Player w/FM preorders for $160 shipped is still taking preorders of the new mobiBLU 2GB Cube MP3 Player, model no. DAH-1500i, i...
[in dealmac - Today's Edition]

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